

Student Login

New Students

In order to take one of our online courses you will need to register with us and setup an account. To register you first have to select a course, to get started follow the link below.

Get Started & Select Your Course Here »


Returning Students

Please login to our Student Portal. This will allow you to update your contact information, review any courses taken by you as well as continue with any study and tests that you have not completed or to sign up for a new 14 hour continuing education course for the upcoming requirement cycle.

If you have a problem logging in, please verify that your user name and password are entered correctly. If you have forgotten either your user name or password, or both, please click the link to the left marked "Forgot Password".

Click here for more

If you have verified your user name and password and are still unable to log in test for session cookies here. Session cookies are used to allow our program to identify who requests each page and to keep records of your progress.

If you still can not log in try clearing your browser cashe. The procedure varies depending on which browser you are using, but the principle is the same for all of them. First you want to find the settings for your browsing history. On older versions of Internet Explorer, that would be on the tool/internet option selection and delete temporary files, etc. For Chrome, it is in the menu button at the top right (the one with the three bars). Click it and the select the button near the top of the page that says Clear Browsing Data. Firefox is almost identical to Chrome. For other browser, search Google for instructions.

You can also call API Continuing Education for assistance at (800) 947-6939.